2023 McHenry Legacy of Service Award Dinner
The McHenry Legacy of Service Award is received by individuals and organizations within McHenry County that make a significant impact in the McHenry County Community through volunteer service or advocacy. This year, the committee elected to focus on recognizing veterans and those who work to serve them. Recipients are selected and are honored at the annual Legacy of Service event in front of community leaders and peers.
JOIN US in this celebratory dinner as we honor our veterans!
Wednesday, March 15th – 5:30pm Social Hour | 6:30 Dinner/Program
Veterans Path to Hope -
Providing Veterans Assistance Programs
McHenry County Marine Corps League Detachment #1009 -
Preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps
The support of this event makes the continuation of Scout programming possible and keeps the spirit of Scouting alive! We would like to recognize the community partners who have invested in our mission.
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, March 15th –
5:30pm Social Hour | 6:30 Dinner/Program
Crystal Lake Holiday Inn
800 South Route 31
Crystal Lake, IL
Sponsorships are available. Please visit Sponsorship Signup
Individual Seat Tickets - $125
Contact Information
Jennifer Kipp
Send Email